Abandon hope all ye who enter here: Anita Marie Moscoso and Jade Leone Blackwater team up in Seattle, Washington

July 23, 2008

Attention Seattle writers: I am partnering with Anita Marie Moscoso of Owl Creek Bridge and Irregular Bones to create a new writers group in the Seattle area.  We’re still in the planning stages, and selecting our meeting dates, times, and venue(s).

For those of you who aren’t familiar with A.M.M., you’re missing out.  Anita beams with curiosity, creativity, and possibility.  She seems to be a super-natural source of inspiration – just a little light lunch down the way from Ye Olde Curiosity Shop left me chewing on new ideas for weeks.  Anita is full of wisdom, humor, and true generous spirit.  I can’t wait to get our group started!

We invite other writers in the Seattle area to contact us and join our new group.  Also, be sure to stop by the Owl Creek Bridge to explore Anita’s work… (and watch out: I may be haunting her pages soon!)

PS – If you’re a writer in Pennsylvania, be sure to visit the Pennwriters Area 6 HQ blog for news, events, and resources for writers.  New authors will be joining us soon!